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The Port allows you to send resources to the Order Citadel and to Towns belonging to members of your Order and Pact. Upgrading the Port increases the carts' capacity and speed and reduces the tax on sending resources.

LevelLumberStoneFoodIronTimeGoldRequirementsPlatinumHero's ExperiencePowerСкорость каравановРесурсов к обменуLevy
125017512510000h 01m 10s15Palace 5 551%2 50030%
245031522518000h 02m 20s25Palace 5 15102%7 50029%
381057040532500h 04m 40s45Palace 5 25153%15 00028%
41.5K1.05K73058500h 09m 20s75Palace 5 100204%25 00027%
52.65K1.85K1.35K1.05K00h 20m 00s130Palace 5 200305%40 00026%
65.25K3.7K2.65K2.1K00h 40m 00s210Palace 6 250507%60 00025%
710.5K7.4K5.25K4.2K01h 30m 00s335Palace 7 250859%80 00024%
821K15K10.5K8.4K02h 30m 00s440Palace 8 25012511%100 00023%
942K29.5K21K17K05h 00m 00s660Palace 9 25019013%125 00022%
1063K44.5K31.5K25.5K10h 00m 00s1 050Palace 10 25029015%150 00021%
1194.5K66.5K47.5K38K12h 00m 00s1 200Palace 11 25043518%200 00020%
12145K99.5K71K57K15h 00m 00s1 400Palace 12 25065521%250 00019%
13215K150K110K85K18h 00m 00s1 550Palace 13 25098024%375 00018%
14320K225K160K130K21h 00m 00s1 700Palace 14 5001.45K27%500 00017%
15480K335K240K195K1d 03h 00m 00s2 050Palace 15 1K2.2K30%625 00016%
16720K505K360K290K1d 06h 00m 00s2 200Palace 16 1.25K3.3K34%750 00015%
171.1M755K540K435K1d 18h 00m 00s2 900Palace 17 1.25K4.95K38%875 00014%
181.65M1.15M810K650K2d 21h 00m 00s4 500Palace 18 2.5K7.45K42%1 000 00013%
192.45M1.7M1.25M970K5d 00h 00m 00s7 450Palace 19 2.5K11K46%1 125 00012%
203.65M2.55M1.85M1.5M1w 2d 00h 00m 00s13 000Palace 20 5K16.5K50%1 250 00011%
215.45M3.85M2.75M2.2M5w 1d 00h 00m 00s49 500Palace 21 5K25K100%1 500 0008%
228.2M5.75M4.1M3.3M7w 5d 00h 00m 00s74 500 5K37.5K100%1 875 0008%
2312.5M8.6M6.15M4.9M12w 3d 00h 00m 00s120 000 7.5K56.5K100%2 375 0008%
2418.5M13M9.2M7.35M21w 00h 00m 00s205 000 7.5K85K100%3 000 0008%
2528M19.5M14M11.5M37w 6d 00h 00m 00s365 000 10K125K100%3 875 0008%
2641.5M29M21M17M113w 2d 00h 00m 00smore 2 years1 100 000 25K190K100%5 000 0008%
2762.5M43.5M31.5M25M147w 1d 00h 00m 00smore 2 years1 450 00014 00031.67K285K100%6 375 0008%
2893.5M65.5M47M37.5M191w 2d 00h 00m 00smore 3 years1 850 00029 40040.42K430K100%8 000 0008%
29140M98M70M56M248w 5d 00h 00m 00smore 4 years2 400 00046 20049.17K645K100%9 875 0008%
30210M150M105M84M323w 2d 00h 00m 00smore 6 years3 100 00064 40057.92K965K100%12 000 0008%
31315M225M160M130M420w 2d 00h 00m 00smore 8 years4 050 00084 00066.67K1.45M100%14 375 0008%
32695M485M350M280M504w 2d 00h 00m 00smore 9 years5 900 000 9.43M5.8M100%17 000 0008%
331.55B1.1B765M610M655w 4d 00h 00m 00smore 12 years7 650 000 10.52M23M100%19 875 0008%
343.35B2.35B1.7B1.35B852w 2d 00h 00m 00smore 16 years9 900 000 11.61M93M100%23 000 0008%
357.4B5.2B3.7B2.95B1 107w 6d 00h 00m 00smore 21 years13 000 000 12.71M370M100%26 375 0008%
3618.5B13B9.2B7.4B2 215w 5d 00h 00m 00smore 42 years19 000 000 13.71M555M100%30 000 0008%
3746B32.5B23B18.5B5 539w 2d 00h 00m 00smore 106 years30 500 000 14.71M835M100%33 875 0008%
38140B97B69B55.5B16 617w 5d 00h 00m 00smore 318 years45 500 000 15.71M1.25B100%38 000 0008%
39415B290B210B170B51 515w 00h 00m 00smore 987 years70 500 000 16.71M1.85B100%42 375 0008%
40 1.25T1.88T870B1.31T625B943.19B500B756.97B167 423w 3d 00h 00m 00smore 3208 years247 962w 5d 14h 17m 30smore 4752 years115 000 000331 754 935  238 00017.71M123.13M2.8B7.79B100% 47 000 000353 305 0008% 


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0 0
Ken Kadziauskas 07-07-2019 20:15I meet these requirements and still pay 30% Tax when shipping to Citadel - the Tax should be 8% - Please advise
41.5M 29M 21M 17M 793d 00h 00m 00s
more 2 years 1 100 000
Palace 26
Treasury 26
25K 190K 100% 5 000 000 8%
0 0
Brian 23-06-2019 17:40Won't let me upgrade it tells me external error

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