Resource Production

With better tools, the peasants and workers of your Town will be able to give more resources to their Lord. This Study will increase Food, Lumber, Stone, Iron and Silver production.

All Resource Production 10%

All Resource Production

PowerHero's Experience
14K2.6K2.6K2.6K1.2K43501h 30m 00s0.5%12035.2K
210K6.5K6.5K6.5K3K78004h 30m 00sAcademy 41%30070.4K
325K16.5K16.5K16.5K7.5K1.55K14h 00m 00sAcademy 61.5%750105.6K
462.5K41K41K41K19K3.25K1d 15h 00m 00sAcademy 82%1.9K140.8K
5160K105K105K105K47K7.45K4d 18h 00m 00sAcademy 102.5%4.7K176K
6395K255K255K255K120K18K2w 00h 00m 00sAcademy 123.5%12K211.2K
7980K635K635K635K295K43K6w 00h 00m 00sAcademy 144.5%29.5K246.4K
82.45M1.6M1.6M1.6M735K105K17w 3d 00h 00m 00sAcademy 165.5%73.5K281.6K
96.15M4M4M4M1.85M250K51w 2d 00h 00m 00sAcademy 186.5%185K316.8K
10 15.5M25.74M9.95M16.61M9.95M16.61M9.95M16.61M4.6M7.68M605K1.03M151w 1d 00h 00m 00s> 2 Year(s)228w 6d 05h 00m 00s> 4 Year(s) 10%10%460K767.77K352K1.94M


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