Hero’s Stamina Economy I

An experienced warrior knows that a battle can last several hours, that's why they expend their strength wisely. Conduct this Study to reduce your Hero’s Stamina depletion.

Reduced Hero's Stamina Depletion 13,75%

Reduced Hero's Stamina Depletion

PowerHero's Experience
13K1.5K01.5K3.75K34000h 30m 00s0.25%1903.2K
27.65K3.85K03.85K9.3K54002h 30m 00s0.75%4704.8K
319.5K9.65K09.65K23.5K92006h 30m 00s1.5%1.2K7.2K
449K24.5K024.5K57.5K1.9K18h 00m 00s2.5%2.95K11K
5125K62K062K145K3.75K1d 18h 00m 00s3.75%7.35K16.5K
6315K160K0160K355K7.8K4d 03h 00m 00s5.25%18.5K24K
7800K400K0400K875K19.5K1w 4d 00h 00m 00s7%46K36K
82.05M1.05M01.05M2.2M42.5K3w 5d 00h 00m 00s9%115K54K
95.15M2.6M02.6M5.4M98K9w 1d 00h 00m 00s11.25%290K80.5K
10 13M21.52M6.5M10.81M0 6.5M10.81M13.5M22.57M230K405.25K22w 5d 00h 00m 00s38w 1d 00h 30m 00s 13.75%13,75%720K1.2M120K357.2K


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