Army Health During Defense II

Take care of your warriors' health and provide them with fresh, quality provisions. If you do, you will have an army with high morale that will be ready to fight an enemy at any time. Conduct this Study to increase your army's health during a defense.

Increased Army Health During Defense 60

Increased Army Health During Defense

125041.5K1w 12h 00m 00sScholars' Hall 4,
Infirmaries' Capacity III 1
233053K1w 3d 12h 00m 00sInfirmaries' Capacity III 2313M
343571.5K2w 1d 12h 00m 00sInfirmaries' Capacity III 3513.5M
458597.5K3w 2d 00h 00m 00sInfirmaries' Capacity III 4913.5M
5810145K5w 2d 00h 00m 00sInfirmaries' Capacity III 51413.5M
61 150230K8w 6d 12h 00m 00sInfirmaries' Capacity III 62013.5M
71 650380K15w 5d 12h 00m 00sInfirmaries' Capacity III 73014M
82 450665K29w 3d 00h 00m 00sInfirmaries' Capacity III 84014M
93 6001.25M57w 4d 12h 00m 00s> 1 Year(s)Infirmaries' Capacity III 95014M
10 5 50016.76K2.4M5.33M118w 5d 12h 00m 00s> 2 Year(s)243w 6d 12h 00m 00s> 4 Year(s)Infirmaries' Capacity III 10 606014.5M136.5M


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