Army Defense

A new method of metalworking will make your troops' armor more durable. Conduct the Army Defense Study and your army will take less damage on the battlefield.

Increased Army Defense 10
LevelRationsPlanksCast IronTokensDraftsTimeRequirements

Increased Army Defense

17507509006005002w 4d 00h 00m 00s035M
21.05K1.05K1.25K8206803w 2d 00h 00m 00s135.5M
31.45K1.45K1.75K1.15K9354w 3d 00h 00m 00s236M
42.05K2.05K2.45K1.65K1 3506w 1d 00h 00m 00s236.5M
52.95K2.95K3.55K2.35K1 9008w 6d 00h 00m 00s336.5M
64.4K4.4K5.25K3.5K2 80013w 2d 00h 00m 00s437M
76.65K6.65K8K5.35K4 15020w 5d 12h 00m 00s537.5M
810.5K10.5K12.5K8.3K6 35033w 6d 12h 00m 00s738M
916.5K16.5K20K13.5K9 85057w 4d 12h 00m 00s> 1 Year(s)938M
10 27K73.3K27K73.3K32.5K88.15K21.5K58.72K16 00044.52K101w 6d 00h 00m 00s> 1 Year(s)252w 5d 12h 00m 00s> 4 Year(s) 101038.5M368.5M


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