Скорость переработки Еды II

Smooth Guild operations ensure a regular supply of the key resources necessary for developing the Order Citadel. Conduct this Study to provide craftsmen with higher-quality tools and equipment and to speed up transforming Food into Rations.

Food Transformation Speed 13
LevelPlanksCast IronMarbleTokensDraftsTimeRequirements

Food Transformation Speed

13801901902801002w 4d 12h 00m 00s012M
25202602603851102w 6d 12h 00m 00s112M
37203603605301203w 1d 12h 00m 00s212M
41.05K5155157551304w 1d 00h 00m 00s212.5M
51.5K7457451.1K1405w 2d 12h 00m 00s312.5M
62.25K1.15K1.15K1.65K1506w 6d 12h 00m 00s412.5M
73.4K1.7K1.7K2.5K1607w 00h 00m 00s612.5M
85.25K2.65K2.65K3.9K1709w 1d 12h 00m 00s713M
98.35K4.2K4.2K6.15K18012w 3d 12h 00m 00s913M
10 14K37.42K6.8K18.57K6.8K18.57K10.5K27.75K1901.45K17w 3d 12h 00m 00s71w 3d 00h 00m 00s> 1 Year(s) 131313M125M


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