Скорость переработки Еды I

Smooth Guild operations ensure a regular supply of the key resources necessary for developing the Order Citadel. Conduct this Study to provide craftsmen with higher-quality tools and equipment and to speed up transforming Food into Rations.

Food Transformation Speed 7
LevelPlanksCast IronMarbleTokensDraftsTimeRequirements

Food Transformation Speed

1275140140200751w 2d 12h 00m 00s07M
2370185185270801w 3d 12h 00m 00s17.15M
3515260260375851w 4d 12h 00m 00s17.2M
4730365365530901w 6d 12h 00m 00s17.3M
51.1K535535770952w 2d 00h 00m 00s27.35M
61.6K7907901.15K1003w 1d 00h 00m 00s27.45M
72.45K1.25K1.25K1.75K1054w 3d 00h 00m 00s37.5M
83.75K1.9K1.9K2.75K1104w 5d 00h 00m 00s47.6M
95.95K3K3K4.35K1156w 2d 12h 00m 00s57.65M
10 9.7K26.44K4.85K13.28K4.85K13.28K7.05K19.2K1209758w 6d 12h 00m 00s36w 2d 00h 00m 00s 777.75M73.95M


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