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Your economy is based on the timely payment of taxes by the ordinary people. Upgrade the level of Houses in order to get and store more Silver in your coffers and to speed up training of troops.

LevelLumberStoneFoodIronTimeGoldRequirementsPlatinumHero's ExperiencePowerCapacityProduction per hourTraining Speed
11001002502500h 00m 50s10 55500101%
21701704254500h 01m 40s20 15101 500302%
32902907257500h 03m 20s30 25203 000603%
44954951.25K12500h 06m 40s55 100305 0001004%
58358352.1K21500h 15m 00s105 200457 5001505%
61.7K1.7K4.2K42500h 30m 00s170 2507010 5002106%
73.35K3.35K8.4K84500h 55m 00s250 25011517 5002807%
86.7K6.7K17K1.7K02h 00m 00s385 25017025 5003608%
913.5K13.5K33.5K3.4K04h 00m 00s570 25026034 5004509%
1020.5K20.5K50.5K5.1K07h 30m 00s845 25039044 50055010%
1130.5K30.5K75.5K7.6K09h 00m 00s935 25058555 50066011%
1245.5K45.5K115K11.5K11h 00m 00s1 100 25087567 50078012%
1368K68K170K17.5K13h 00m 00s1 200 5001.3K80 50091013%
14105K105K255K26K15h 00m 00s1 300 1.25K1.95K101 5001 05014%
15155K155K385K38.5K18h 00m 00s1 450 1.25K2.95K124 0001 20015%
16230K230K575K58K1d 00h 00m 00s1 800 1.25K4.4K148 0001 36016%
17345K345K860K87K1d 06h 00m 00s2 150 1.25K6.65K173 5001 53017%
18515K515K1.3M130K2d 00h 00m 00s3 200 1.25K10K200 5001 71018%
19775K775K1.95M195K3d 15h 00m 00s5 450 2.5K15K229 0001 90019%
201.2M1.2M2.9M295K1w 00h 00m 00s10 500 2.5K22.5K259 0002 10020%
211.75M1.75M4.35M440K3w 5d 00h 00m 00s36 000 5K33.5K301 0004 20025%
222.65M2.65M6.55M660K5w 4d 00h 00m 00s54 000 5K50.5K355 0004 70026%
233.95M3.95M9.8M990K8w 6d 00h 00m 00s85 500 5K75.5K421 0005 30027%
245.9M5.9M15M1.5M15w 00h 00m 00s145 000 7.5K110K499 0006 00028%
258.8M8.8M22M2.25M27w 00h 00m 00s260 000 7.5K170K589 0006 80030%
2613.5M13.5M33M3.35M80w 6d 00h 00m 00smore 1 year775 000 15K255K691 0007 80035%
2720M20M49.5M5M105w 1d 00h 00m 00smore 2 years1 050 0003 60017.5K380K805 0008 90037%
2830M30M74.5M7.5M136w 5d 00h 00m 00smore 2 years1 350 0007 56021.25K575K931 00010 15039%
2944.5M44.5M115M11.5M177w 5d 00h 00m 00smore 3 years1 750 00011 88025K865K1 069 00011 55041%
3067M67M170M17M231w 00h 00m 00smore 4 years2 250 00016 56028.75K1.25M1 219 00013 10043%
31100M100M255M25.5M300w 2d 00h 00m 00smore 5 years2 900 00021 60032.5K1.9M1 381 00014 80045%
32250M250M630M63.5M360w 2d 00h 00m 00smore 6 years4 200 000 4.53M7.75M1 555 00016 65050%
33625M625M1.6B160M468w 2d 00h 00m 00smore 8 years5 450 000 5M31M1 741 00018 65055%
341.6B1.6B3.95B395M608w 5d 00h 00m 00smore 11 years7 100 000 5.47M120M1 939 00020 80060%
353.95B3.95B9.8B990M791w 3d 00h 00m 00smore 15 years9 200 000 5.94M495M2 149 00023 10065%
3612B12B29.5B3B1 582w 5d 00h 00m 00smore 30 years13 500 000 6.94M745M2 371 00028 10070%
3735.5B35.5B88B8.9B3 956w 4d 00h 00m 00smore 75 years22 000 000 7.94M1.1B2 605 00035 60075%
38110B110B265B27B11 869w 5d 00h 00m 00smore 227 years32 500 000 8.94M1.65B2 851 00050 60080%
39320B320B795B80B36 796w 1d 00h 00m 00smore 705 years50 500 000 9.94M2.5B3 109 00073 10090%
40 1.3T1.78T1.3T1.78T3.2T4.39T320B440.59B119 587w 1d 00h 00m 00smore 2291 years177 115w 3d 06h 22m 30smore 3394 years80 500 000235 637 025  61 20010.94M65.81M3.75B10.4B3 379 000 103 100 100% 


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