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The Barracks is where various warriors learn the art of war, ready to die for their Lord. The higher the level of the Barracks, the more warriors you will be able to train simultaneously.

LevelLumberStoneFoodIronTimeGoldRequirementsPlatinumHero's ExperiencePowerВоинов в обучении
120025012515000h 01m 30s15Palace 1 51010
234042521525500h 03m 00s30 152025
358072536543500h 06m 00s55 253050
49851.25K61574000h 15m 00s110 1004575
51.7K2.1K1.05K1.3K00h 25m 00s155 20065100
63.35K4.2K2.1K2.55K00h 50m 00s240 250105125
76.7K8.4K4.2K5.05K02h 00m 00s400 250170150
813.5K17K8.4K10.5K03h 30m 00s540 250255200
927K33.5K17K20.5K06h 30m 00s790 250385250
1040.5K50.5K25.5K30.5K13h 00m 00s1 300 250575300
1160.5K75.5K38K45.5K18h 00m 00s1 650 250865350
1290.5K115K56.5K68K21h 00m 00s1 800 2501.3K400
13140K170K85K105K1d 00h 00m 00s2 000 2501.95K450
14205K255K130K155K1d 03h 00m 00s2 150 5002.9K525
15305K385K195K230K1d 09h 00m 00s2 450 1K4.4K625
16460K575K290K345K1d 15h 00m 00s2 800 1.25K6.6K750
17690K860K430K515K2d 06h 00m 00s3 650 1.25K9.9K875
181.05M1.3M645K775K3d 15h 00m 00s5 600 2.5K14.5K1 000
191.55M1.95M970K1.2M1w 00h 00m 00s10 500 2.5K22K1 125
202.35M2.9M1.45M1.75M1w 5d 00h 00m 00s17 500 5K33K1 250
213.5M4.35M2.2M2.65M6w 5d 00h 00m 00s64 500 5K50K2 500
225.25M6.55M3.3M3.95M10w 00h 00m 00s96 000 5K75K2 750
237.85M9.8M4.9M5.9M15w 6d 00h 00m 00s155 000 7.5K110K3 000
2412M15M7.35M8.8M27w 00h 00m 00s260 000 7.5K165K3 500
2518M22M11M13.5M48w 4d 00h 00m 00s470 000 10K250K4 000
2626.5M33M16.5M20M145w 4d 00h 00m 00smore 2 years1 400 000 25K380K5 000
2740M49.5M25M30M189w 2d 00h 00m 00smore 3 years1 850 00018 00031.67K570K6 100
2859.5M74.5M37.5M45M246w 00h 00m 00smore 4 years2 400 00037 80040.42K855K7 400
2989M115M56M67M319w 5d 00h 00m 00smore 6 years3 100 00059 40049.17K1.25M8 900
30135M170M83.5M105M415w 5d 00h 00m 00smore 7 years4 000 00082 80057.92K1.9M10 600
31205M255M130M155M540w 2d 00h 00m 00smore 10 years5 200 000108 00066.67K2.85M12 600
32505M630M315M380M648w 3d 00h 00m 00smore 12 years7 550 000 9.43M11.5M14 900
331.3B1.6B785M940M842w 6d 00h 00m 00smore 16 years9 800 000 10.52M46M17 500
343.15B3.95B2B2.35B1 095w 5d 00h 00m 00smore 20 years13 000 000 11.61M185M20 400
357.85B9.8B4.9B5.9B1 424w 3d 00h 00m 00smore 27 years17 000 000 12.71M740M23 600
3623.5B29.5B15B18B2 848w 5d 00h 00m 00smore 54 years24 500 000 13.71M1.1B27 700
3770.5B88B44.5B53B7 121w 6d 00h 00m 00smore 136 years39 000 000 14.71M1.65B32 100
38215B265B135B160B21 365w 3d 00h 00m 00smore 409 years58 500 000 15.71M2.45B36 800
39635B795B400B480B66 232w 5d 00h 00m 00smore 1269 years91 000 000 16.71M3.7B41 800
40 2.55T3.51T3.2T4.39T1.6T2.2T1.95T2.67T215 256w 00h 00m 00smore 4125 years318 805w 3d 17h 40m 30smore 6110 years145 000 000424 399 235  306 00017.71M123.13M5.6B15.49B47 100 


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burton 27-04-2020 18:41no empire ingot needed?

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