
Secret achievementYes

 1 Lvl.2 Lvl.3 Lvl.4 Lvl.5 Lvl.6 Lvl.7 Lvl.8 Lvl.9 Lvl.10 Lvl.Total
Minimum level of the Palace1111111111 
Reward (Gold)100K170K235K300K370K465K725K1.8M5.95M20M30.12M
Training Limit2%3%4%5%6%7%8%10%13%20%20%
Army offense when attacking Castles1%1.5%2%2.5%3%3.5%4%5%6.5%10%10%
How to get 
Destroy (each):
Assailant: 16
Alpha Assailant: 4
Apostate: 9


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XxunholyxX, 29-08-2022 01:44Trying to figure out this achievement I'm unsure of how it's done can anyone explain this method.
Is there a order it goes in or does it matter?
And does it matter what level the appostate assault alpha assault.
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MaBak3r 09-06-2022 13:56I did it 3x now. Lvl 1 x 16 ass, 4 x alpha, 9 x apo. still no achievement
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Wolf commander 26-01-2023 08:52Hello my friend im your wolf commander
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MaBak3r 09-06-2022 14:06sorry. i ment 9 x lvl 1 apo
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CRO LUKA 24-01-2022 00:55What does (each) refer to? every kind? each level?
Can anyone simply explain what needs to be done?
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Khanate 03-09-2021 17:56I just finished lvl 10: I did four of each (29 x4) logged our for 3 hrs, then logged back in and did 4 more of each, logged out for 8 hrs and i got lvl 10 when I logged bacck in. I don't know if the 8 hrs are really neccessary but doing 4 of each made sure that I made the points.
Good luck
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janonimus 30-05-2021 11:10To get lvl 10 u do 1of each (lvl 1 is fine) than wait 4 hours, log of and log on and start to do 1of each again(lvl 1 is ok)!!
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__Rogue_ 18-04-2021 02:32Possibly only 1 of each for 2 complete cycles. Working on 2nd cycle now but doing at least 5 to be sure.
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ukphoenix 14-04-2021 16:41Levels 1 - 9 are all 1 of each apos/ass/alpha (any order or level) level 10 is 3 of each
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Zed 18-04-2021 03:04Now i've done it twice over.....still nothing
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Zed 16-04-2021 07:23ty
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Zed 14-04-2021 08:56which assailants and apostate to kill? is there an order?
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Zed 14-04-2021 08:57what i meant was the level of assailants and apostates
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Barnsey 27-03-2021 06:39For all who are asking how many for ea lvl, lvls 1-9 , 1 of ea is enough, but not for lvl 10, still working on that 1
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Santurias 26-03-2021 13:04LEVEL 10: definitely works with 25 ..... maybe 20 would be enough, but I missed to try this !
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Dravick 06-04-2021 02:1920 is not the magic number. I did 20 of each and did not get the now waiting for each to return to kill them all at least 5 more times.

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